
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Change is needed!

Change is needed in America Today!

We need to see that change is made in this country. Too many injustices happen in this modern age. Racism is all too real in this country and shouldn't be stood for by it's citizens, let alone our government.
I stand with the protestors of the George Floyd murder in solidarity.
I was "fortunate" because I'm white and was able to hide my gayness most of my professional life. I hid, not because I wasn't proud of who I was, but because I would not be afforded the same opportunities by those who judged me.
POC shouldn't have to fear because of their skin tone just as I shouldn't have to fear because of my sexuality, but it is an unfortunate truth.
I fear for the Minority communities, I fear for my friends, I fear for my family, I fear for the police, I fear for this country! We may not see change in a peaceful manner for some time.
We need someone to stand up and take leadership of this movement, someone that the American people can look to with respect and understanding. Someone who can end the violence and make the government change.
I can pray that the U.S. Military does not send in troops to quell the riots, because it will only fuel more violence.
If they send in the military, we may very well see this erupt into a civil war.

#Equality #Freedom #Georgefloyd #solidarity #Blacklivesmatter