
Friday, November 25, 2016

Great America

What makes America Great? How does one make it Great again? How does one become a Great American?  These are all very personal, political and ideological questions.  I will explain my own thoughts and you can choose to agree or disagree. I only ask for the respect that this is my opinion and it may differ from your personal beliefs.

The United States of America was formed out of oppression. Due to that oppression, we saw fit to declare that we are all created equal.  Although it took time,  and is still an uphill battle,  I do believe we are all America,  a land of immigrants,  a land of oppressed natives,  a land of slavery and indentured servitude ,  .

Our Nation, rose out of tyranny to prevent the oppression of the many for the needs of the few.
Our Nation, recognized the need for guns and militias, to prevent the government from becoming an oppressive body once again.
Our Nation, recognized the freedoms of expression,  speech and religion.
Our Nation,  a land of opportunity, pushed forward the capitalistic ideals that you work hard and get what you earn.
Our Nation,  rose from thirteen colonies into Fifty States and Sixteen Territories.
Our Nation, grew to be, arguably, the most culturally diverse of any other in the world.

Our country, the United States of America, can be the Greatest Nation in the world if we come together as One! 

We need to respect our differences and make changes as needed to respect others. 
We need to acknowledge that all men and women are different and equal. 
We need to respect others religious beliefs while keeping it separate from the state.
We need to respect our new immigrant population and the fact that our Nation was founded on immigrants. 

We need to put the overall American agenda forward and put aside our differences so we can move toward a new enlightenment.
We do not need to forget our cultural heritage  but rather embrace it and forge it into our Nation to become a new whole. 

I have faith we will one day become this Great Nation. Until then, all we can do is go about enacting changes; changes to the system,  changes to our attitude, and changes to better our Nation. 

~ Matty Di 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

I can go on about how our national holiday has been turned into trash by the retail market and consumers of this country. I also could go on about how people don't understand the meaning of Thanksgiving. Instead I would like to share with you what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for an amazing family that Above All shows their love and compassion. I am thankful for great friends who truly understand and respect me. I am thankful that in this crazy world, my little corner is not as bad as it could be.
I am extremely grateful for my partner. Since we have met, he has brought out of me the best parts of my soul. He has made me realize I too am important. I am grateful to have the opportunity of self-reflection, as in the past I was too preoccupied to even see me.

I am thankful that I have the chance to spend the holidays with those who love me. I am grateful that my wonderful partner  has shown me what it is like to be loved. Although he won't be at the table with me this year for Thanksgiving, it is great to know that I still have him with me. I am happy to have somebody to share the good news and the bad.

I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my table.  I am grateful for the ability to share my talents and be appreciated for them. 

Overall,  I am thankful for being alive and able to take the reigns and drive myself into the future.

There are so many more things and people I could list, but instead I ask you this. What are you thankful for? 

Thank you for your time and may your Holiday be Safe and Happy!


~Matty Di