Happy 2013!
Do you have a Resolution for the New Year?
Perhaps it is to Diet, Get in Shape, Quit Smoking, Curb your spending habits, Organize your life, Become a Better Person, Meet that Romantic Interest, Drink Less, Donate or Volunteer more for Charity, Spend more time with family, or Enjoy your Life More!
Whatever your Resolution is, STICK TO IT! but...Don't worry about it, we all have trouble keeping our resolutions.
Maybe thinking of it as a chore is the problem that most people have with keeping their New Year's Resolution.
This year, I am trying something different! I am not giving up specific things, I have decided to live an overall healthier and better life for myself.
Here are some tips I've received:
1) Dieting-
When trying to lose weight do not look at it as simply a diet, look at it as a healthier you in the future.Don't Diet, Eat Healthy, There's a Difference!
Dieting is usually associated with depriving one self of the things you Love to Eat!
You should focus more on portion control rather than not having the Ice Cream Sundae for Dessert. Eat more vegetables, Fruits, Fiber and stay away from the unnecessary fatty foods. (Doesn't mean stop eating them altogether, just don't make them regular occurrences.)
**Another Tip is to avoid Fast Food! There are more calories in a value meal than the average person would eat in two meals, so Stay Away!I personally have decided to get myself to a healthy weight level I want to lose roughly 30 pounds or 4 pant sizes by the summer 2013. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress!
2) Getting In Shape-
Do you want to be Healthy?Do you want to look good in that bathing suit/bikini this summer?
Do you want to prolong your life?
If you want to get in shape, my best advice is:
A) Get a partner to join a gym with you.
B) Start walking close places you normally would drive, like the corner store or the grocery.
C) Just get up and go! The longer you wait, the less chance you are going to start!
D) Once you are at the gym, you wouldn't want to waste the money for that monthly membership, so USE IT!!
3) Quit Smoking-
This is a tough one and there are many ways to accomplish this goal. I personally am working on this one in my stride to be an overall healthier person.You can try the nicotine patches or gum. I personally had better luck with the gum in the past but each person is different.
There are the electronic cigarettes which simulate the act of smoking without the smoke. There is also Hypnosis or other psychological therapies. I decided I'm going "Cold Turkey!"
There are also a number of smoking cessation programs run by local clinics and non-profit organizations which could help you in this endeavor.
It has been THREE days and no cigarette! Just remember, You are doing it for a healthier tomorrow!
4) Budgeting -
This is something that we should be doing all year long, but the beginning of the year is a great time to plan out your yearly budget.
Main things to keep in mind when budgeting:
A) Rent/Mortgage
B) Utilities
C) Food and essentials
D) Clothing
E) Savings
F) Fun! Always leave yourself a little for those extras in life, such as that trip you want to take, or that new phone you just have to have. Just learn to stay within the budget so you can still do/buy things you want, but within reason.
G) Emergency Fund! (If you don't use it in 2013, put it in your savings)
5) Organizing Your Time-
If you are able to organize your time you can do so much more!
When you organize your time, you can get yourself on a steady sleep schedule which will help achieve all of your goals for 2013!
You can set your schedule for work/school, family time, cleaning, cooking, exercising, and any other activities you may enjoy.
You could even set up a volunteer day in which you could help in your local community.
Being organized is definitely key in living a healthy and happy life. Now Don't think you can't go off schedule on occasion but once you are on a schedule your body will adapt to it and you will be living with less stress. (you might want to schedule in a massage or yoga class)
I Hope everyone has a wonderful 2013 and may you keep you resolutions, whatever they may be!
Mine this year is to Live Healthier and Happier and I intend to meet it!
Happy New Year Everyone!
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